Welcome to knowledgeofwine.com
We are big data wine enthusiasts looking to share our passion for wine, food, and the wisdom of the wine crowd with you! The world celebrates by sharing their favorite wine, food, and most joyful moments. We believe technology can be our guide as we explore conversations from around the world about one of our favorite pastimes. We must find a way to share this data-rich crowd experience. We seek out the layers that connect us in our society.
Social media is a powerful medium for sharing experiences. We think collecting and analyzing big data is best leveraged when it elevates the quality of life. The power of the social media/crowd applied to wine and food is ideal. The wine crowd produces conversations that are rich and full of delightful insights. The wisdom of the crowd can help fellow wine enthusiasts, and novices alike, find the perfect wine and the perfect recipe at just the right time. Most importantly, our top priority is to surround you with information that promotes relaxation, wellness, and enjoyment.
The imagination thrives on vibrations emanating from joy and good times. I imagined Knowledge of Wine from those creative vibrations. I hope you share in the experience as you consume this content. Just drink it slowly to ensure you experience the unique layers of creativity embedded in this viticulture presentation.
– Don Robinson